Annual salaries paid to employees by the Cook County Comptroller as of November 24, 2015. This dataset does not include salaries for Cook County Forest Preserves.
The Street Midlines in this feature class represent the interpreted midline between the compiled edges of pavement. Unimproved rights-of-way are also included in this database.
Executive Recommendation for the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Capital Equipment. For more information on the budget and schedule of public hearings see
Executive Recommendation for the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Summary of Positions by Business Unit. For more information on the budget and schedule of public hearings see
Executive Recommendation for the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Department Line Item Budget. For more information on the budget and schedule of public hearings see
The Lakes and Rivers hydrographic polygon data layer was created to accurately depict the location and shape of flowing water features greater than five feet in width and major standing water bodies in Cook County.