Census by the Numbers

Census by the Numbers is an online platform designed to offer visibility, openness, and accountability for the Cook County Census Outreach Program. The portal contains information ranging from agency/grantee budgets to itemized spending categories.
En espanol.


An accurate census is vital to our nation's ability to provide an equitable distribution of financial, legislative, educational, public health, housing, and the variety of resources contributing to creating stable communities. The County's Census efforts launched in 2019 to educate and engage residents while encouraging completion of the census. In partnership with the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the Cook County Complete Count Census Commission, nearly 2 million dollars ($1,922,883.50) in grant funding was invested in promoting Census participation.

About Census by the Numbers

This portal provides a searchable database for information about our grantee spending activities. It allows visitors to see a breakdown of the areas of investment using specific underlying datasets. While Census efforts are ongoing, data will be updated frequently and made available in Spanish. Other languages are available upon request. The following categories will be featured in the portal reports:
Advertising: TV, radio, social media, billboards
Administrative: Transportation, stipends, office supplies, reporting fees, technology  
Event Fees: Rental, equipment, food, decorations
Marketing: Display, promotional
Our data reflects expenditures from January through the end of September, 2020 by our grant recipients. It includes items shown in our chart related to Census 2020 outreach.

For more information, visit www.cookcountyil.gov/census.