2018 Special Purpose Funds Outlook
The County’s Annual Appropriation Bill contains Special Purpose Funds in addition to the General Fund, Health Fund and the Debt Service Fund. Special Purpose Funds are established for a specific and dedicated purpose, and are considered to be self-balancing. Self-balancing means that the appropriated revenues for each of the special purpose funds supports the required expenditures for the budgeted fiscal year.
Mft Illinois First (1st)
Used to plan, design, construct, maintain and
operate transportation facilities in Cook County
and is funded by proceeds from the State distribution
of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT). The FY2019 Motor
Fuel Tax revenue estimate is $46.94 million, with a
projected $47.17 million in expenditures, resulting
in an FY2019 projected ending surplus balance of
$23.64 million.
Animal Control Department
Responsible for the prevention of the transmission
of rabies and other diseases from animals
to humans. The department forecasts revenue
in 2019 to be $3.65 million, with $5.34 million in
expenditures resulting in $7.56 million positive
fund balance by the end of FY2019.
County Clerk Election Division Fund; Board of Election Commissioners Election Fund
Funds the cost of elections using property
tax revenue. In 2019, the funds’ expenses are
projected to decrease by $16.74 million to $24.88
million due to FY2019 being a non-election year.
This increases the amount of property tax revenue
available for other obligations, such as the cost
of debt service or capital project pay-as-you-go
financing. The FY2019 projected ending surplus
balance is $17.28 million.
County Recorder Document Storage System Fund
Funds the equipment, materials and necessary
expenses to implement and maintain the Recorder
of Deeds’ document storage system. Fees are
charged for record retrieval and other items. The
2019 revenue estimates are $2.5 million, with
$3.15 million in expenditures, resulting in a 2019
year-end fund balance deficit of $1.69 million. This
fund is one of a number of Special Purpose Funds
that required a corrective action plan to restore
Clerk of the Circuit Court Automation Fund
Maintains the automated systems which support
the activities of the Circuit Court, meets the needs
of Court constituents, and provides constant
access to both internal and external users. The
2019 revenues are estimated to be $10.5 million,
with expenditures of $11.25 million, resulting in
a 2019 fund balance deficit of $5.96 million. This
will require expenditure reductions to reduce the
negative fund balance.
Clerk of the Circuit Court Document Storage Fund
Manages Circuit Court records. Projected revenues
for 2019 are $9.50 million and expenditures of $7.97
million. The 2019 ending fund balance is estimated
to be a negative $220,441 compared to an ending
FY2018 estimated negative $1.74 million. Continued
expenditure reductions are necessary to fully
restore solvency to this fund.
Cook County Law Library
Provides legal information resources to legal
professionals, judiciary, government officials,
litigants and the residents of Cook County at six
locations. In 2019, revenues are estimated to be
$5.9 million, with $4.59 million in expenditures.
After following a multi-year corrective action plan,
the fund is projecting a 2019 positive fund balance
of $2.53 million.
Chief Judge Dispute Resolution
This fund is used to record fees from civil filings
disbursed to Dispute Resolution Centers. The
fund is projected to receive $180,000 in revenues
in 2019, with estimated expenditures of $226,646.
As a result, the projected fund balance in 2019
is estimated to be a negative $186,537. The fund
will not be able to withstand a similar shortfall of
revenues in future years. An expenditure reduction
plan must be implemented.
Adult Probation Service Fee Fund
This fund is used to record fees from civil filings
disbursed to Dispute Resolution Centers. The
fund is projected to receive $180,000 in revenues
in 2019, with estimated expenditures of $226,646.
As a result, the projected fund balance in 2019
is estimated to be a negative $186,537. The fund
will not be able to withstand a similar shortfall of
revenues in future years. An expenditure reduction
plan must be implemented.
County Clerk Automation Fund
Funds automation of the County Clerk’s Office
non-election activities, and is funded by vital
records fees. The 2019 revenue estimates are
$1.35 million with expenditures projected at $1.55
million. The County Clerk Automation fund is
projected to end 2019 with a $420,945 estimated
fund balance.
County Treasurer Tax Sales Automation Fund
Funds automation-related expenses in the Cook
County Treasurer’s Office. In 2019, there is an
estimated $9.50 million in revenue with estimated
expenditures of $12.29 million. There is a projected
2019 positive fund balance of $11.27 million.
ETSB 911 Intergovernmental Agreement
Provides telephone service to unincorporated
Cook County and municipalities that are part of the
Emergency Telephone System Board - 911 Center.
Revenue for 2019 is expected to be $1.87 million
with equal expenditures of $1.87 million. The fund
balance is projected to be a negative $2.38 million
at the end of FY2019. A corrective action plan
needs to be implemented to address the negative
fund balance.
Social Services and Probation Court Services Fund
Collects court-ordered fees from certain adult
offenders, based upon the defendants’ ability to
pay. Revenue for FY2019 is projected to be $2.45
million, with expenditures at $2.46 million. The
projected 2019 ending fund balance is $172,714.
Cook County Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund
Reduces the dangers of lead-based paint in
Cook County dwellings; prevents lead poisoning
through lead abatement and mitigation; educates
residents on the dangers of lead based paint;
and disseminates lead-poisoning prevention
materials to residents of lead mitigated dwellings.
The 2018 projected ending fund balance is $7.44
million. Expenditures for 2019 are projected at
$2.86 million, while $10,258 additional revenue for
2019 is projected, leaving an estimate of $4,585,716
ending FY2019 fund balance. The Lead Poisoning
Prevention fund is financed by the repeal of
Torrens Fund in January 2014, which represents
a one-time transfer to this account. The services
provided by this SPF will be absorbed by the needs to implement corrective actions to eliminate
the projected negative fund balance.
Geographical Information Systems
Provides maintenance and access to Cook County’s enterprise geographic information system. The county is moving to preserve the fiscal integrity of this fund by eliminating staff reimbursements and emphasizing the use of these funds on critical infrastructure and technology projects. This has reduced the FY18 expenditure estimates to $9.61 million from $13.00 million. The estimated revenue to this fund in 2018 is $7.30 million, projecting a positive fund balance of $2.77 million at the end of FY18.
State's Attorney Narcotics Forfeiture
Supports work with the State, City and County Agencies on various drug related cases. Revenue is estimated to be $1.85 million in 2018 with equal expenditures estimated. There is an estimated negative fund balance of $4.98 million for year-end 2018, worse than the $3.19 million from the fiscal year 2016 ending balance. Expenditure reductions will be needed to stabilize this Special Purpose Fund.
Suburban Cook County Tuberculosis Sanitarium District
Serves to prevent, diagnose, treat, and care for all Cook County residents afflicted with tuberculosis. In 2018, revenue is projected to be $1.28 million along with expenditures of $5.91 million. The projected FY2018 ending fund balance is $1.57 million. The fund balance originates from a surplus of real estate taxes from the State, and is required by the State to be used exclusively for the purposes of this fund. There was a positive fund balance of $10.20 million at the end of FY16.
Clerk of the Circuit Court Administrative Fund
The Clerk’s Office administration utilizes the fund to improve information technology, operational efficiency, customer service, employee development and training, and financial accountability. For 2018, estimated revenues are $750,000 with expenditures of $750,000. The 2018 year-end estimated negative fund balance is $380,969. The Clerk of the Circuit Court has agreed to implement corrective actions to lower this negative fund balance.
Sheriff Women's Justice Services Fund
The fund operates rehabilitation programs
provided by the Sheriff’s Department of Women’s
Justice Services, including mental health and
substance abuse services. The 2019 projected
revenue of $20,000 is equal to projected expenditures.
The 2019 projected fund balance is $74,997.
Chief Judge Court Funds: The Mental Health Fund; Peer Court Fund; Drug Court Fund
Various court services fees are credited to the
appropriate funds to operate and administer court
programs. In 2019, the Mental Health Fund is
projecting revenue of $675,000 and expenditures
of $550,000. The Peer Court Fund is projecting
revenue of $310,000, compared to expenditures
of $161,070. The Drug Court Fund is projecting
$320,000 in revenue and $230,000 in expenditures.
The Mental Health Fund is projected to end
2019 with a negative fund balance of $175,868.
The Peer Court Fund is projected to end 2019 with
a fund balance of $92,222. The Drug Court Fund
is projected to end 2019 with a fund balance of
Sheriff Vehicle Purchase Fund
Fees from violations of Illinois Vehicle Codes
support the acquisition or maintenance of law
enforcement vehicles. Estimated revenue for 2019
is $200,000 in revenues, with expenditure estimate
of $750,000 resulting in a projected ending
fund balance of $346,874.
Sheriff Pharmaceutical Disposal Fund
Funds a collection plan managed by the Sheriff’s
Prescription Drug Take Back Program which
assists Cook County residents with a free disposal
service for unused or expired drugs. Fund implementation
starts July 1, 2018. Projected 2019 expenditures
are $10,000, resulting in an estimated fund
balance of $130,000 ending FY2019.
Assessor Special Revenue Fund
Revenues generated from advertising on
the Assessor’s Website, Assessor Database
Subscriptions, and Filing Fees are used to pay
for costs in the Assessor’s Office. Revenues and
expenditures are projected at $815,000 in 2019,
with an equal expenditure of $815,000, resulting
in a positive fund balance projection of $88,203
ending FY2019.
Circuit Court Clerk Electronic Citation Fund
Used to defray the Clerk’s expenses of establishing
and maintaining electronic citations in
any traffic, misdemeanor, municipal ordinance, or
conservation case upon a judgment of guilty or
grant of supervision. The 2019 revenue projection
is $250,000, with an estimated FY2019 surplus
fund balance of $534,300.
State's Attorney Records Automation
Supports expenditures for hardware, software,
research and development costs, and personnel
related to Records Automation. Fees are collected
from defendants upon a finding of guilty or
supervision in a court of law. This Special Purpose
Fund is projected to collect $138,000 in 2019 with
expenditures of $139,891, resulting in a projected
fund balance of $378,045.
Public Defender Records Automation
Identical to the State’s Attorney Records
Automation fund, this fund supports expenditures
for hardware, software, research and development
costs and personnel related to Records
Automation. Fees are collected from defendants
upon a finding of guilty or supervision in a court
of law. This Special Purpose Fund is projected
to collect $138,000 revenue in 2019, with expenditures
of 138,869, and a 2019 projected fund
balance of $43,401.
Environmental Control Solid Waste Program Fund
Fund established for the collection of fees associated
with Environmental Control’s Solid Waste
Program. The Solid Waste Program improves the
quality of the environment for the residents of
Cook County through inspection, compliance and
sustainability. The 2019 projected revenues are
estimated at $510,000, with $510,884 in expenditures,
and a 2019 projected fund balance of
Land Bank Authority
Fund established to reduce and return vacant and
abandoned properties back into productive and
sustainable community assets. In 2019, revenues
are estimated at $17.9 million and expenditures at
$18.0 million, resulting in an ending fund balance
of $2.29 million.
Assessor Erroneous Homestead Exemption Recovery Fund
The Erroneous Homestead Exemption program
seeks to end abuse of existing erroneous homestead
exemptions, stop future abuse of homestead
exemptions, and recoup lost tax district revenue.
The fund is projecting equal revenues and
expenses of $2.73 million, leaving an estimated
positive fund balance of $915,129.
Economic Development Section 108 Loan Program
Created in 2017, the Section 108 Loan Fund
provides Cook County financing through the
Bureau of Economic Development’s lending
authority. This program supports sustainable
economic development benefitting low and
moderate-income individuals. The Section
108 program is administered as part of HUD’s
Community Development and Block Grant
(CDBG) program and is subject to the requirements
governing the CDBG program. The fund is
projecting 2019 revenues of $35,000 and expenditures
of $35,000. The FY2019 projected year end
fund balance is expected to be $437,512.