FY2018 Year in Review
A mid-year projection of year-end revenues and expenses for Fiscal Year 2018 is available here. The year-end projections describe budgetary shortfalls and surpluses associated with the FY2018 budget approved by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in November.
Projected 2018 Year-End Revenues and Expenditures
Cook County’s General Fund is projected to end FY2018 with a $2.9 million surplus, while the Health Fund is projecting a $2.3 million shortfall, for a combined surplus of $.6 million in the County’s major operating funds.
2018 Year-End Revenue Projection
General Fund and Health Enterprise Fund revenues support the County’s general operating funds and finance the Corporate, Public Safety and Health Enterprise funds and activities. The total projected combined revenue for FY2018 year-end is $4,360 million, which represents a 13 percent, or $517 million increase from budgeted revenues. The vast majority of this increased revenue is specific to the Health Enterprise Fund.
General Fund
The total budgeted revenue for FY2018 is $1,800
million for the General Fund. The projected
year-end revenues of $1,809 million are higher than budgeted revenues by $9 million,
or less than half a percent. This
projected increase in revenues is attributed to higher than anticipated
revenues in the County Sales Tax due to a non-recurring accelerated payment
from the State of Illinois to compensate for increased receipts in comparison
to the prior year. Also, effective with
the State’s FY2019 budget, the 2 percent service fee imposed by the State on
municipalities for the collection and remittance of sales tax revenue has been
reduced to 1.5 percent, further attributing to the favorable revenue projection.
Health Enterprise Fund
The total budgeted revenue for FY2018 is $2,043
million for the Health Enterprise Fund.
The projected year-end revenues of $2,551 million are higher than
budgeted revenues by $508 million, or 25 percent. The projected increase in revenue is attributed
to the increase in enrollment in the Managed Care Medicaid expansion program,
commonly referred to as CountyCare, which is allocated and collects
reimbursements on a per member per month basis.
The County’s General Fund revenue is
comprised of Property Tax, Non-Property Taxes, Fees, Intergovernmental Revenues,
Investment Income, Indirect Costs and Miscellaneous Revenues. The Health
Enterprise Fund revenue is comprised of Patient Fees, Managed Care and Other
Property Tax
The projected year-end Property Tax Levy and
Tax Increment Financing Surplus collections to the General and Health
Enterprise Funds for FY2018 remains estimated at the budgeted amount of $274.8
Non-Property Taxes
Several of the Non-Property Taxes are on
track to meet or exceed the FY2018 budgeted amounts. The projected year-end revenues of $1,324
million in the General Fund are higher than budgeted revenues by $36.2 million,
or 3 percent. The aforementioned projected
year-end revenue in the County Sales Tax for FY2018 is $38.9 million higher
than budget, representing a 5 percent favorable variance. Due to the robust economy, the State Income
Tax which is collected by the State and remitted to the County is projecting
year-end revenues of $12.3 million, that is $1.8 million higher than budget, or
17 percent.
General Fund Fees
The County imposes various General Fund fees
for certain services it performs. The fees charged by various County
departments include fees for vital records, real estate transactions, court
case filings, and delinquent taxes. General Fund fees are anticipated to be $197.6
million for year-end FY2018, which is a negative variance of $21.9 million, or
10 percent. The primary driver of the negative
variance relates to fees generated by the County Treasurer’s office. The fees consist of penalties on delinquent
taxes. Due to the positive state of the
economy and enhanced communications to inform impacted residents, there are
fewer delinquent taxes.
Intergovernmental Revenues
The projected year-end Intergovernmental
Revenues for FY2018 is $46.3 million, this represents a $3 million, or 7
percent increase from the budgeted amount.
Intergovernmental Revenues include reimbursements from the State of
Illinois and Forest Preserve District for select services under the
administration of Cook County. The
favorable year-end revenue projection is attributable to higher than anticipated
subsidies from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC).
Investment Income, Indirect
Costs, and Miscellaneous Revenues
The County is projecting to receive Investment
Income of $1.8 million, at the budgeted amount.
Investment Income is the interest garnered on County fund cash balances.
Indirect Costs are charged to Grants and
Special Purpose Funds to reimburse the General Fund for pension and
administrative resources. The projected year-end
Indirect Costs revenues for FY2018 are $11.6 million, on par with budget.
Miscellaneous Revenues are projected to
generate $25.8 million in FY2018; this is below budgeted expectations by $8.3
million due to delays in anticipated one-time legal settlements.
Cook County Health and Hospitals
System Fees
The Health Enterprise Fund receives revenue
from patient fees and supplemental payments for care provided at County
Hospitals. In addition, the Cook County
Health and Hospitals System (CCHHS) operates a Managed Care Community Network
(MCCN) known as CountyCare. CountyCare
receives a fixed per member per month reimbursement for each of its roughly 332,000
members. CCHHS projects that it will end
FY2018 with fees totaling $2,479 million, a 26 percent, or $508 million increase
to the FY2018 budget. The increased FY2018
revenues projected by CCHHS are attributed to increased enrollment in the Managed
Care Community Network. CCHHS
experienced CountyCare membership growth from 140,000 members per month to an
estimated 332,000; outpacing the projected 225,000 members per month budgeted
in the FY2018 budget.
2018 Year-End Expenditure Estimate
Year-end expenditures in the General Fund are projected to have a $6.0
million negative variance. The overage
is primarily attributable to higher than anticipated salary and wages ($5.8M)
and reserve for claims ($4.5M). These increases
are partially offset by lower than anticipated overtime spending ($8.4M).
The Health Fund year-end expenditures are
projected to be above the FY2018 appropriation by about $510 million due to
higher than budgeted member enrollment in CountyCare, causing a large increase
in managed care claims. Projected overtime costs are expected to exceed the
budgeted amount by $4.4 million while regular employee salaries will be under
budget due to employee turnover and position vacancy rates. Additionally, maintenance
of facilities budgets is projected to be over budget by $5.2 million to
continue to meet Joint Commission accreditation.