FY2020 Health Enterprise Fund Forecast
FY2020 Health Fund Forecast
Cook County is responsible for providing access to crucial public health care services to over five million residents, regardless of residents’ ability to pay or citizenship status. The hospital system is composed of the following
elements: John H. Stroger,
Jr. Hospital of Cook County, Provident
Hospital of Cook County, Oak
Forest Health Center of Cook
County, the Ambulatory and
Community Health Network of
Cook County, Cermak Health
Services of Cook County,
the Ruth M. Rothstein CORE
Center and the Cook County
Department of Public Health. The FY2020 outlook for the
Health Enterprise Fund includes a $6.8 million shortfall. This projection
assumes a flat operating tax allocation for the Health System of $102 million.
Health Fund Revenue Projections
The Health Fund is supported by fees, health plan revenues and supplemental payments for care provided by the County. Revenues project $149.6 million below the FY2019 adopted budget.
Health Fund Expenditure Projections
Health Fund expenditures are expected to decrease by $142.8 million below the FY2019 appropriation due to adjusted enrollment projections expected to lower costs.
Additional information is available by clicking on page two
of the chart below, including a drop-down menu that allows for a further level
of detail.
We Want to Hear from You
What are your ideas for improving county services? What are your ideas for making county government more efficient? How can we improve the budget process for next year? For more information and to share your ideas, visit our website: http://www.cookcountyil.gov/budget or email: budget.questions@cookcountyil.gov
An alphabetical list of budget related terms with helpful explanations is available here.