FY2019 General Fund Year-End Projections 

FY2019 Year-End General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Projections
For FY2019, Cook County is projecting to end the year with a favorable variance of $14.9 million in the General Fund, which is one of the County’s major operating funds. The General Fund is comprised of the Corporate Fund and Public Safety Fund.
General Fund revenues support the County’s general operating funds and finance the Corporate and Public Safety Funds. The County’s General Fund revenue is comprised of Property Tax, Non-Property Taxes, Fees, Intergovernmental Revenues, Investment Income, Indirect Costs and Miscellaneous Revenues. The total budgeted FY2019 revenue for the General Fund is $1,867.4 million.
The projected year-end revenues of $1,872.1 million are projecting $4.1 million above the adopted budget due to higher than anticipated County Treasurer and Home Rule tax and expenses $10.8 million below the adopted budget driven by lower than anticipated salary and wages expenses. 

Revenue Projections
The projected year-end revenues of $1,872.1 million are higher than budgeted revenues by $4.1 million. This projected surplus is attributed to higher than anticipated County Treasurer revenues ($6 million) and favorable performance in various Home Rule Taxes offsetting a negative variance in Cigarette Taxes ($9.3 million ) brought on by legislation to raise the age of purchasers from 18 to 21.
Additional information is available by clicking on page two of the chart below.

General Fund Year-End Expenditures by Functional Area
Year-end expenditures in the General Fund are projected to have a $10.8 million favorable variance. This is primarily attributable to lower than anticipated salary and wages expenses across the County. Although, overall budgeted payroll costs were expected to modestly increase in FY2019 by inflationary growth, costs are down due several departments facing a competitive hiring environment resulting from a strong job market.

The accompanying chart provides expenditure data by functional area like providing public safety and administering the second largest property taxation system in the U.S.

Additional information is available by clicking on page two of the chart below, including a drop-down menu that allows for a further level of detail.

General Fund Year-end Expenditures by Office
The year-end expenditures in the General Fund are projected to be approximately $1,872.1 million. The accompanying chart provides expenditure data that includes spending by county offices and the separately elected officials that are a part of the County budget. 
Additional information is available by clicking on page two of the chart below, including a drop-down menu that allows for a further level of detail.

We Want to Hear from You
What are your ideas for improving county services? What are your ideas for making county government more efficient? How can we improve the budget process for next year? For more information and to share your ideas, visit our website: http://www.cookcountyil.gov/budget or email: budget.questions@cookcountyil.gov 

An alphabetical list of budget related terms with helpful explanations is available here.