Health Enterprise Fund Year-End Projections

2019 Year-End Health Enterprise Fund Revenues and Expenditures Projections
The Health Enterprise Fund ("Health Fund") supports Cook County’s healthcare functions. For FY2019, the Health Fund is projecting to end the year with an unfavorable variance of $103.1 million. Revenues are projecting $195.3 million or 7.3% below the adopted budget and expenses $92.2 million or 3.4% below the adopted budget.

Health Fund Year-End Revenue Projections
The Health Enterprise Fund receives revenue from patient care and supplemental payments for care provided at County Hospitals. Revenues are projecting $195.3 million or 7.3% below the adopted budget.

Health Fund Year-End Expenditure Projections

Projected Health Fund year-end expenditures are below the FY2019 appropriation by $92.2 million related to lower than expected member enrollment and decreased managed care claims. 

Additional information is available by clicking on page two of the chart below, including a drop-down menu that allows for a further level of detail.

We Want to Hear from You
What are your ideas for improving county services? What are your ideas for making county government more efficient? How can we improve the budget process for next year? For more information and to share your ideas, visit our website: or email: 

An alphabetical list of budget related terms with helpful explanations is available here